VASKOS publication

A selection from the material of VASKOS first exhibition became a publication. The photographs and the drawings are shown in a mixed way as well as their printed size is variable. The title is VASKOS and accompanied by a text from art-critic and journalist Yannis Constantinidis. The publication is bilingual and is a limited edition of 450 copies.  

The between-twoness
By Yannis Constantinidis
The decisive moment came about by chance, when they ran out of paper during a trip to a far-flung isle where it isn’t always easy to get hold of what you need. That’s how the first ‘loan’ came about. They swapped their sketch pads, and this carefree act of solidarity, gentility and generosity gave rise there and then to the idea: they would each continue the drawing the other had started. And because the first impressions were positive, they began experimenting with the process, seeing whether it could be extended without losses to a larger sheet of paper. The drawings they made like this comprise one of the two groups of works featuring in this edition. The second consists of the photographs, with their medium being the only grounds on which one would ever differentiate the two sections. Still, the drawings do provide a better response to the question: “What exactly is an artistic duet?”. And that’s because there is nothing in them to indicate who did what. The ‘unity’ of the co-creators is as robust as it is obvious. So even if someone were to revisit the photographs having first taken in the clues provided by the drawings, they would still be convinced, once and for all, that neither artist has their ‘own’ space in the photographs, either. For the two truly do become one! Even their choice of signature – VASKOS, from the artists’ names, VASsilis & KOStas – manifests the desire to be two personalities but one artist. That ‘VASKOS’ also happens to coincide with the Greek for ‘Basque’, a word closely bound up with rebelliousness and an unruly passion for independence and autonomy, also propounds, in its way, the idea of “we two are/become one” through art; by extension, this one-into-two creative process puts us in touch with something of the order of love, a meaningful alternative that counters the unravelling of social bonds, one of the least palatable symptoms of our era….

Nothing Found

It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching can help.