Bankorg Manifesto in an Apartment in Athens an Autumn Afternoon

Video HD, 3min 25sec, 2015

Bankorg Manifesto in an Apartment in Athens an Autumn Afternoon is a video that refers to the image cover of the first edition “Cyborg Manifesto” by Donna Haraway (1985).  The video attempts a playful reenactment of the initial image (painting by Lynn Randolph) through a performative way and a precarious, improvised setting. It deals with hybridity, fusion of human-animal-machine, the notion of double, and the recent financial crisis of Greece! It is a home-made DIY production created with the stop-motion technique. Its experimental aspect is highlighted by the use of embedded videos, the simultaneous different layers, the falling coins as a universe simulation, etc.
Bankorg Manifesto in an Apartment in Athens an Autumn Afternoon was presented during the research project “The Bankorgs” curated by Maria Paschalidou and organized by The Subjectivity & Feminisms Research Group (S&F) of Chelsea College of Arts, at BIOS Athens, the 4th of December 2015.


The Cover image from Donna Haraway’s “Cyborg Manifesto”